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Cat Family Story #54: Reed

Writer's picture: Keefe TayKeefe Tay

What is the name of your cat?


Where is your cat family located in?

We live in Canada, Ontario.

What is the breed of your cat?

She is a Tabby x Torty (AKA Torbie) !

How old is your cat?

She is currently 11 months.

Where can we find your cat on social media?

On Instagram @Realreedadventures

In a few short words/sentences, tell us about your cat's personalities.

Reed is outgoing, eccentric, sassy and turning into quite the adrenaline junkie with some of her stunts!

How has your cat transformed your life from the moment you've met him till now?

From the moment I met Reed I knew she was going to be my adventure and travel buddy. I had never leash trained a cat before and my cats who live with my family are all big house cats who mostly just lounge around. I like to travel a lot so this was the perfect opportunity to get Reed used to moving around and travelling. Since starting to take her on hikes she keeps me motivated to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and keep active, I think it is so important for her to get the outside time as she needs to engage her senses, plus if she doesn't get all her energy out in a day, she gets some serious zoomies.

What does your cat mean to you?

Reed is one of the most important things in my life. She is my best friend and keeps me company wherever I go.

How did you and your cat first meet? Tell it to us in the form of a short story.

It was the last week of programming at the summer camp I worked at, that evening I was sitting with all the kids singing songs when I got a text from one of my supervisors to come to the directors' cabin immediately. Thinking I had done something wrong or that there was an emergency I made my way over and when I opened the door the director and my supervisor were there holding two adorable little kittens. It was one of the happiest moments ever. The two kittens had come from a little greenhouse nearby that had put up a sign saying "Free Kittens"

They asked if I wanted one and obviously I had said yes since I was torn between separating my cat at home from the other cats to take her to University or to adopt a new cat so I took this as a sign. The two kittens that night were already spoken for but the next morning I woke up at 6 am to head out to the bus pick-up zone with my supervisor and on the way back we stopped at the greenhouse to see if they had more kittens. I asked if they had any girls left in the litter and I was lucky enough to get the last one.

She was a little feisty one right from the beginning and I fell in love. I named her Reed after a special place at my camp called Mrs Reed's which is right on the Bruce Trail.

What do you think your cat thinks of you?

Reed is a very independent cat which is something I have to get used to from having my big cuddly house cats all my life. That being said she knows that I'm her cat mom and will always come to me if she isn't getting attention and she knows that I'm the one who will take her outside when she wants. Either that or she thinks of me as her servant who will give in to anything she wants.

Your cat is part of your family. What are some things they do that make you think that she considers you part of theirs?

At the end of the day, I know Reed considers me part of her family when she does silly little things like meows at the bathroom door when I lock her out because she likes to be around people or runs to greet me at the door when I come home. She is very talkative and will trill almost every time I walk by or give her pets.

What are some accounts your cats like to follow on Instagram?











Why do you feel that it is important to show the world that Cats are Family?

I have always had cats in my life since I was little, I've formed special bonds with the cats I've had in the past and the ones I have now. People frequently consider their dogs family and you see people bringing their dogs everywhere, but many people don't realize many cats are more than willing to go with them places too. I always get looks and comments when walking Reed because people assume she doesn't want to walk or be outside when really she is just taking in her surroundings. She enriches my life and I enrich hers by providing her with the tools and safety to be able to explore. To quote Lilo and Stitch "Family means nobody gets left behind" including my cats.

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