What is the name of your cat?

Photo (above): Sushi out on a car ride with his human. Portrait taken by @hunkysushi
Where is your cat family located in?
New York, USA
What is the breed of your cat?
He is a Domestic Shorthair.
How old are your cats?
He is 13-years-old.
Where can we find your cat on social media?
On Instagram @hunkysushi

In a few short words/sentences, tell us about your cat's personalities.
Sushi is fun-loving, curious, adventurous, sweet, Willing try new things, quite a foodie, and stylish.
How has your cat transformed your life from the moment you've met him till now?
He is so calm and engaged that he attracts people and has helped us meet so many wonderful new friends. He helps us realize the joy he can bring to other people’s lives. His willingness to try new things motivates us to be braver.

What does your cat mean to you?
Sushi is our son and he makes our family complete.

How did you and your cat first meet? Tell it to us in the form of a short story.

Our first cat, Leilani, had passed away three months before and we had seen hundreds of cats and none were the right fit for us - calm and social. So after an appointment, we decided to swing by our local SPCA. When we arrived we asked if they had any kittens.
They said they had a black and white one and we were very excited because Leilani was a tuxedo cat. They took us inside the cattery and to a small cage with two kittens. They were playing together happily and when the staff member placed Sushi in Janet’s arms, he crawled up to her neck and snuggled in.
We instantly knew he was our cat. We took him home that day and he talked the whole way home. Even though he was very tiny and the runt of his litter, we started to call him “hunky” right away because we could tell from his big feet, ears, and whiskers he was going to grow into a big boy.
What do you think your cat thinks of you?
Sushi knows we will always protect him, love him, and include him in all we do.

Your cat is part of your family. What are some things they do that make you think that they consider you part of theirs?
The companionship he seeks from us and the time he chooses to spend with us. He talks to us to communicate.
What are some accounts your cat likes to follow on Instagram?
Why do you feel that it is important to show the world that Cats are Family?
To show the world that the crazy cat lady stereotype is outdated. That cats are equal to dogs. Cats can do many of the same things as humans and dogs. They make great family members and can bond on a deep level.
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